We Stand With FBISD Equity Coalition
Honey Brown Hope Foundation fully supports Fort Bend ISD Equity Coalition’s efforts to dismantle, uproot, destroy and annihilate the ongoing systemic racism and biases in Fort Bend ISD.
Since 1991, under the leadership of our Founder and Executive Director Tammie Lang Campbell, The Honey Brown Hope Foundation has contagiously spread hope among young people and their families.
We work from the schoolhouse to the courthouse and jailhouse to offer programming, resources and support that align with our causes:
- Civil rights.
- Diversity appreciation.
- Environmental stewardship.
Fired for Speaking out Against an Offensive Racial Slur: Honey Brown Hope Foundation’s Statement of Support
The Honey Brown Hope Foundation is standing with Sheldon Watts, who was terminated from PinnacleART after speaking out against workplace bias and discriminatory practices.
"No Trashing Trash Workers" Campaign Recognized by Missouri City Mayor, Houston Chronicle and Stafford TV
Honey Brown Hope Foundation Appeals for Darius Elam's Exoneration
There is no physical evidence linking Darius Duran Elam to crime, and he has been incarcerated for over 36 years! He deserves a timely decision and freedom! We are so grateful for everyone who standing with us. Please keep the movement moving by learning more and sharing this far and wide!
Click here to learn more about Darius Elam and what you can do to help.
COVID-19 a Double Disaster for Attorneys Hit with a $250,000 Judgment for Challenging Fort Bend ISD’s Illegal Truancy Court
It’s unjust for FBISD to recoup attorneys’ fees when they were responsible for the illegal truancy court and benefitted from parents paying fines. It’s unjust for parents not to be able to recoup attorney and court fees from FBISD and its illegal truancy court.
We are encouraging Fort Bend ISD residents to use their voices to question and hold FBISD accountable.
Student Excessively Punished by Fort Bend ISD Graduates with Honors
Last year, the Honey Brown Hope Foundation honored Fort Bend ISD Thurgood Marshall senior with the "Peacekeeper Award" for her courage and activism.
She was suspended from Thurgood Marshall High School after trying to verbally deescalate a fight between fellow students. Founder Tammie Lang Campbell and Attorney Christine Beeler of Juvenile and Children's Advocacy Project stepped in to address that the suspension was rooted in FBISD's pattern of unjustly penalizing Black students.
As a result of Campbell's and Beeler's advocacy, FBISD issued a formal apology and removed the three-day suspension from her record.
Fast forward to now, and she has graduated Magna Cum Laude!